What should I do when I'm moving out of my property?

You should let our Energy Locals customer service team (1300 693 637) know if and when you are going to move out of your property.

We will close your account, and if necessary, request that your local network company disconnect the property from electricity. We can also assist you in setting up your electrical supply at your next location.

What will happen if I fail to mention that I am moving out?

If you fail to let us know you will continue to incur account costs. At a minimum a daily supply charge will accumulate, and if the site continues to use energy in your absence you will be charged for that too. You will also risk someone else using electricity at your expense because the next occupant may not transfer the electricity supply into their own name when they move in.

Do I have to disconnect my property from electricity when I close my account?

Yes. While it is possible for us to leave it connected we retain the right to require you to disconnect. Leaving a site connected to electricity without a responsible account holder exposes us to energy theft by unknown parties, and that is a risk that we will manage at our discretion.