Can I apply for a concession to help me pay my invoices?

Yes. You can apply for concessions to help you cover your energy costs.

Your eligibility will differ based on your location, circumstances, and concession cards held, and the application process will differ based on the concession chosen.

See below for information we have gathered to help you understand your options, and ask your respective government(s) for any further advice. They will be best placed to answer your questions.

South Australia

South Australians have three broad options for financial support:

  • cost of living concessions,
  • energy-related concessions, and
  • EEPS (Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme).

First, South Australians on low or fixed incomes are eligible for a range of cost-of-living concessions. You can review those concessions here.

Second, the South Australian Government offers a range of concessions to assist people with their energy costs. There are three types of concessions that you might apply to your electricity costs:

Finally, you can apply for EEPS if you are at risk of being disconnected from electricity. EEPS is a government scheme that helps pay the electricity debt of households in financial crisis.